Experts in the Installation of:

  • Smart Solar Panels PV
  • Smart Solar Battery Storage
  • EV Chargers
  • Air Conditioning
  • Air Source Heat Pumps
  • Free Desktop Survey

    Reasons To Choose Solar Panels

    We are with you every step of the way, from the initial plans to survey and installation and all certification including MCS
    Renewable Energy often costs far less than the standard energy supplier 

    Enabling you to save money each month
    25 years linear panel efficiency The best protection in the industry, giving complete peace of mind 

    10 years Independent Warranty Association Guarantee
    Our installers have years of experience training and qualifications to make sure your system is completed to perfection

    Before and After Your Solar Installation

    From April 2022
    Energy bills are expected to soar to almost £2,000 a year under the regulator’s energy price cap, and industry analysts have warned that a second surge in October could drive bills more than 75% above today’s prices. Due to this, there has never been a better time to invest in solar panels.

    Between 2008 and 2018 energy bills increased an average of 8.79% pa. With electric bills rising each year.  
    In 2021 energy prices have rocketed.

    Before Solar Panel Installation

    Every Increasing Bills

    Fossil fuel fired power plants, increase CO2. Nuclear reactors do not, however, the processes for mining and refining uranium ore and making reactor fuel all require large amounts of energy.

    Wasting Money

    Inflation and wages typically do not increase by 8.78% annually, So over the years more and more of your hard earned income goes on energy bills for the home.

    High Carbon Emissions

    Carbon dioxide emissions are the main factor of global climate change. It’s widely recognised that to avoid severe impacts of climate change, the world needs to urgently reduce emissions.

    From April 1st 2022

    In April 2022 the price cap ends and Energy prices are expected to soar to £2000 per year for the average home and in October 2022 a possible further 75% increase

    After Solar Panels Installation

    Electricity All Year Round

    Solar Panels generate clean emission free electricity to power your home all year round and their long lifespan of more than 25 years makes it a wise investment.

    Take Control Of Your Bills

    Whilst electricity prices are increasing, take control of your bills by generating your own electricity.

    Earn Money

    Earn money from generated power into the grid through Smart Export Guarantee. Research indicates that Solar Panels add around 4.1% to the value of your home.

    Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

    Powering your home with solar panels is better for the environment than using fossil fuels and can reduce your reliance on the grid.

    Battery Storage

    Make use for all your generated electricity by having Battery Storage for night use.

    Residential solar boosts
    house prices by an average of £30,000
    Click to

    Energy prices to rise 50% in April 2022

    As An Established  Renewable Energy
    Company We Pride Ourselves 
    For Our Outstanding Customer Service

    3000 +






    There has never been a better time to install solar panels
    • nationwide renewables solar panels
    • best solar panels

    The main benefits for installing solar panels.

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    Electricity all year round - Solar panels will generate clean, CO2-free electricity to power your home all year round, with a long life span making them a worthwhile investment.

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    You can earn money from exporting to the grid -Earning money from selling surplus electricity generated to the grid is another advantage. You will also increase the resale value of your home.

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    Reduce your carbon footprint - Solar-power contributes to reducing harmful CO2 emmissions.

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    Inflation proof your bills - The price of electricity UK could rise by a third by 2025. And 100% by 2030. This is attributed to the increasing cost of wholesale electricity prices

    Power your home from the sun both day and night.

    Smart Battery Backup

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    Power your home when the sun isn’t shining

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    Solar energy generated is stored by chargeing up your batteries

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    Reduce the amount of energy you buy from the grid.

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    Get to use more of your self-generated solar energy

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    Get to use more of your self-generated solar energy

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    Different storage capacities available to meet your specific needs

    Nationwide Coverage

    Our “Assessors” will perform comprehensive proposal based upon your yearly energy spend, electric consumer, unit, measurment of  your roof, pitch and direction together with any shading from chimneys or trees.

    Using our state-of-the-art software. Afterwards we will provide this detailed proposal. This explanations regarding the solar panels, the inverter, battery backup and how many panels we can install. The potential returns and savings are also included.

    If you are happy with the  by email or post with and price we offer. We will then arrange for one of our technical surveyors to assess your roof and electrics to confirm suitability.

    After a successful survey, our installtion mnager we call you to arrange the best date for one of our skilled installer teams to visit.

    When the installation has been completed we will provide you with all of the paperwork and details to apply for your export payments from your energy company.

    Get Your Custom Quotation
    From Our Expert Team

    Switch to Solar Store Energy & Make Savings of up to £20,000*

    What we do

    Smart Solar Panels

    High performance High production Solar Panels with 25 years guarantee.

    Smart Battery Backup

    High performance High output Solar Battery with.

    Smart Home Thermostat

    Economy saving home themostat that learns your home requirements.

    Smart Solar 

    Smart Solar tiles for conservation area's and new roofs. High performance amazing cosmetic look.

    EV chargers

    Currently £350 Gov Grant for homes and up £14000 for Business

    Smart Voltage optimisation

    Saves up to 15% of electric bills per year, together with protecting your appliances

    Are Solar Panels the Right Solution for Your House?

    Are Solar Panels the Right Solution for Your House?

    Photovoltaic panel make use of one of nature's most powerful yet cost-free sources: the power generated by the sun. Solar panels, also referred to as photovoltaic or (PV systems), usage semiconductor modern technology to transform power from sunlight into electrical power that can power your house.

    Are they the best choice for your home?

    On average, more than 4,000 solar panels are set up in the UK every month. The growing appeal of photovoltaic panels means that the prices have dropped by 60% over the past decade.
    The costs of solar panels have continuously decreased over the years, as new technologies have actually been uncovered to make solar energy elements a lot more inexpensive. In addition to that, solar panels do not just aid to reduce your energy costs, however they can likewise assist you generate income from excess electricity created.
    solar panels

    So, the key benefits of solar panels are:

    1 - Use Electrical power throughout the year in your home - Solar panels produce clean, emission-free electrical power to power your home throughout the year, while their lengthy life expectancy of more than 25 years makes them a long-lasting great financial investment.
    2 - Increase the marketplace value of your residential property
    3 - Earn money from any potential solar grants that may be available from time to time.
    4 - Selling excess electrical power produced by your solar panels back to the grid is one more advantage that solar panels offer.
    5 - Reduce your carbon footprint - A solar-powered home reduces the carbon footprint and aids to remove residential dangerous exhausts.

    The overall costs of photovoltaic panels in the UK

    Are Solar Panels Worth the Financial Investment (4kW System for Instance)? as a typical PV system in a UK residence.
    It has an output of 3,400 kWh annually, the cost;
    (Depends on many factors such as type of panels, inverter, single or split two string systems, installation, roof type, access).
     If you compare the cost to the ordinary yearly power intake of a home, which is around 3,200-4,100 kWh, photovoltaic panels can cover 83-106% of your electrical power demand in best performance situations.
    Nevertheless, this depends upon sunlight hours and power usage. On top of that, with rewards like the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG), you can even generate income for excess energy exported back to the grid!
    So, even if it needs an investment upfront, investing in solar power can have a terrific return over time.

    Solar Photovoltaic Panels

    Solar (PV) systems are generally used photovoltaic panel systems in the UK. Photovoltaic systems transform sunlight straight into electrical energy.

    Solar cells are constructed from semiconductors, such as silicon, which take in the sunlight and also transform it right into electricity.

    Grid-Connected vs. Stand-Alone PV Systems

    Grid-connected systems utilise the local utility grid to guarantee you are never ever without electrical energy. If your domestic solar panel system creates extra electricity than your house requires in a day, this excess energy can be exported back to the national grid. On the other hand, if you need extra power than your solar panels have created, the grid can supply this.

    Stand-alone PV systems are not connected to the grid, however rather charge a solar cell system. These batteries keep the electrical power generated by your panels. To run your home appliances, the stored electricity from these batteries will be utilised. Stand-alone systems are utilised in locations that cannot be linked to a grid.

    Solar Battery Storage Solutions

    Solar batteries save electrical energy produced by solar power and let you to utilise it throughout the evenings when your solar panels are not producing electrical energy. You can utilise solar cells whether you are attached to the grid or not.

    Solar battery storage system costs are, varying from ₤1,200 to ₤ 6,000, depending on the dimension as well as capability. However, technical developments are leading to new solutions year after year and have brought the price down to an affordable figure.
    Copyright © 2024
    Absolute Solar Panels Ltd ceased to trade June 2023
    We have acquired the domain name and the 0800-phone number to help any Absolute customers with issues.
    We did not purchase Absolute Solar Panels Ltd and therefore hold no responsibility to Absolute customers. However, we will try to guide and help where we can

    Please note:
    Any savings or income suggested is subject to individual installations and are mentioned for example purposes only.

    Company Reg: 09234007 
    VAT Reg: GB 765 346 017

    Over 2500 Installations
    Please note:
    Any savings or income suggested is subject to individual installations and are mentioned for example purposes only.
